Terms of Reference

Evaluation of Scaling Conservation Agriculture
- Based Sustainable Intensification (SCASI) In Ethiopia

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Programme description

The Scaling Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification in Ethiopia (SCASI) project was designed to scale up/out CASI in selected districts of the major crop-producing regional states in Ethiopia by implementing appropriate climate-smart agriculture practices such as CASI to sustainably increase agricultural production and productivity under the changing climate and declining soil health conditions in the country.

The overall objective of the project is to improve soil health and sustainably increase the productivity of major crops through the widespread adoption of proven CASI practices and technologies thereby increasing the income of smallholder farmers and their resilience to climate change and variability.

Objectives of the evaluation

The objective of the Review is to assess and document the performance of the Project and the extent to which the outputs and outcomes have been achieved, determining coherence, efficiency, and effectiveness. The review will assess success factors and constraints, capture lessons learnt and document new knowledge and important topics for further enquiry, action, lobbying and/or influence. It will also review and assess the findings and recommendations of the Project Progress Reports.

The findings of the review will be used by The Development Fund (DF) and its IPs to make necessary adjustments to the project for the remaining grant period. On this basis, the review shall also provide clear (actionable) recommendations for improvement and identify key areas for learning in order to strengthen the management and effectiveness of the project and inform the design of a possible extension.

The evaluation will be conducted in the selected targeted districts ensuring the representation of all target groups, partners, and stakeholders at all levels. It is understood that the findings and recommendations from the evaluation will be used by DF and its partners as valuable inputs to strengthen their capacity during effective project design and implementation. Accordingly, DF and project partners expect that the consultant will deliver concrete lessons and recommendations with reliable measures which will help to guide DF and implementing partners to identify which areas need improvement and areas to capitalize on and ultimately for constructive decision-making.

Tender submission and contact details

Tenders/offers to conduct the Evaluation will be accepted from consultants as well as firms and must be submitted in two separate documents, one containing a technical proposal and the other financial proposal marked “Consultancy Service for the Review of the Scaling Conservation Agriculture-Based Sustainable Intensification (SCASI) In Ethiopia, and sent by email to Hosaena Teklab, International Controller by 05 August 2024.

Please note that the bid must contain CVs of the proposed evaluation team. The financial proposal shall disclose all pricing information related to the consultancy service as described in this Terms of Reference in USD for international consultants. Fees (non-recurring and recurring costs), travel costs, and other out-of-pocket expenses should be given separately as a lump sum. Conditional cost is not acceptable.

For further details or questions regarding this ToR for the Evaluation, kindly contact Elin Cecilie Ranum, Head of Programme: elin@utviklingsfondet.no

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